Starch Madness: Round of 64 Voting

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The time has finally come.

Every year March is synonymous with basketball, brackets, and now billions of dollars. At FoodSided we understand that not everyone likes college basketball. We also understand that everyone likes to eat. For that reason we have created the best bracket we could think of, Starch Madness.

Our one man Starch Madness selection committee had the honor of choosing 64 of the greatest starches known to man, broken down into four brackets: Appetizers/Sides, Entrees, Snacks, and Desserts.

After much debate the number one seeds are French Fries, Apple Pie, Pizza and Potato Chips. These are the favorites, but look out for other top seeds like Chocolate Chip Cookies, Quesadillas, Bagels, Spaghetti & Meatballs, and Fried Chicken.

But what bracket would be complete without its fair share of sleepers. A few foods to watch are Sliders, Lasagna, Twinkies, Donuts, and the cult favorite in the Southeast Publix Subs.

Some of the more intriguing first round match-ups include 3-seed Bagels Vs 14-seed Popcorn, 5-seed Mac & Cheese Vs 12-seed Boneless Wings, 6-seed Dumplings Vs 11-seed Sliders, and 8-seed Fried Rice Vs 9-seed Chicken Parmesan.

The way this works is you our readers vote for the winners of each matchup. You can push your favorite starch all the way through to become the 2014 Starch Madness Food Champion. Will it be French Fries or Oreos? It’s up to you!

Go to the next page to begin casting your votes!

Here’s a look at the bracket so you can follow along!

Here is your own StarchMadness bracket that you can fill out at home!

Follow us on Twitter (@FoodSided) to follow all the news on how the Bracket is filling out!