For those of you who have yet to hear of Matt Fernandez, today is your lucky day. For those of you who have, you understand why. Fernandez, is one a large group (no pun intended) of up and coming comics making moves out of Florida.
He is one of the funniest people on Twitter right now (even the people at Funny Or Die think so), referring to himself with a classic handle, @FattMernandez.
Among his best food-related tweets are:
The box said "serves 4," so does that mean I have the strength and cunning of 4 people? I don't know... But yes.
— Matt Fernandez (@FattMernandez) February 14, 2014
Did you know pigs are smarter than 3 year olds? And we eat pigs. Just something to think about, 3 year olds...
— Matt Fernandez (@FattMernandez) February 11, 2014
Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. Except ice cream, pizza, chicken wings, cake, waffles, donuts, BBQ chips, ham, pie, anything fried,
— Matt Fernandez (@FattMernandez) February 7, 2014
I'm on this new diet where I don't throw the Toaster Strudels away, and squirt every packet of frosting directly into my mouth.
— Matt Fernandez (@FattMernandez) January 21, 2014
When not making those of us who live on social media laugh Fernandez works as a member of Cigar City Comedy. Which is a collection of the best comics, sketch writer/performers, and improvisers in central Florida.
He also will be spending a week in Chicago in August to take the Intro to TV Writing class at Second City.
We were lucky enough to conduct a Twitter interview with this funny fan of food. Thus, making him the first interview of our new series, Table Talk With FoodSided.
With that, enjoy!
Let’s started with the food questions. Being a comedian, do you ever work food into your bits?
I do, but never conventional dishes. Like, I have a bit where I talk about roasting a flamingo over a campfire while I hold it by the legs. Also fast food, candy, (skittles) pizza crusts, and just being fat in general. My girlfriend has actually been teaching me to cook. I’m pretty much a master. My specialties are glazed salmon and stuffed chicken breast.
So is your girlfriend a trained chef?
No, she’s just become awesome over time, and she has this huge book full of recipes and spells, or whatever.
Before we go any further, I have to ask, how exactly do you cook a flamingo?
A flamingo is basically a chicken with 2 built in rotisseries, or “legs.”
Haha I see what you did there… So what is your favorite thing to eat? And/or where do you like to go to eat?
I like barbecued meats. Ribs, brats, burgers. If you’re having a Bar-B-Que, please invite me. I also like going out for sushi or as I like to call it, “soosh” because it’s delicious, but making it at home is a pain in the ass.
So obviously you are big fan of meats. I am as well. I’m curious, what is your take on vegetarians and vegans, from a comedians standpoint?
It’s the same as religion. Do whatever you want, just don’t try to convert me or act better than me… like there’s a vegan heaven.
Do you watch any of the food TV shows?
I don’t really watch any of the ones on TV, but I do love Epic Meal Time (on YouTube). I plan on ordering their new cook book asap.
You told me earlier you were taking a TV writing class. Ideally, what kind of show would you like to write for?
Late night. Ideally I would like to follow in the footsteps of people like Morgan Murphy & Anthony Jeselnik. It would be great to write and do stand up simultaneously.
Nice, so who is your favorite host in late night right now?
Conan, but I am excited about Seth Meyers.
Any last profound thoughts about food?
Food is bliss. Except onions. Uncooked onions have the texture and consistency of an insect wing.
Haha alright perfect, Thanks again Matt.
Thanks a lot!
If you are in the Tampa area, be sure to check out Matt Fernandez this week. He is featuring for Erik Griffin (Montez from Workaholics) Thursday through Sunday 2/20-2/23 at Side Splitters in Tampa.
Tickets can be purchased online!
h/T to Sabrina for helping with the name Table Talk With FoodSided!
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