Get over March Sadness by picking a Cookie Madness cookie bracket to choose a winning cookie instead of watching basketball.
March Sadness is real, y’all. I’m not even a huge NCAA basketball fan, but as March rolls around each year, I look forward to the brackets and the excitement that surrounds those college teams who are doing well. And being from Michigan, there is always a good chance one of “my” Big Ten teams (Michigan State) is in it towards the end, which is fun. As a pick-me-up for basketball fans, here’s a substitute set of March Madness brackets this year with – Cookie Madness -a winning cookie!
Who doesn’t love a mouth-watering, fresh from the oven morsel to savor? But which type of cookie is your favorite? There are brackets with 32 cookies – from old-fashioned, grandma approved recipes to drop cookies with a modern twist to traditional favorites. There’s a favorite for everyone to pick and root on all the way through the finals.
Over the next week, cookie face-offs will begin and end in two weeks with the two cookies who made it through all of the polls to remain standing. The brackets were randomly drawn, pitting opponents from across multiple categories, including drop, rolled, traditional, old-fashioned, holiday and modern recipes. Each article will introduce two brackets of cookies that will battle it out in a 48-hour poll, with a winner determined by you! Winners of the first round will move on to the second round, to face off with a new opponent at the end of next week.
Which cookie will be declared the favorite for all of Foodsided? Could it be the wholesome, All-American chocolate chip cookie or will a holiday staple like spicy gingerbread come in and pull an upset? Sharing the polls for all of your cookie enthusiast friends is encouraged so you can push your favorite at the end and see the recipe posted.

The above bracket can be printed to keep track of your favorites and who will make it to the Final Four, the Semi-Finals and the Finals. Post your predictions of #cookiemadness to any of my social media channels so we can discuss.
Can a Cinderella cookie win it all? Can you predict the bracket from the very beginning? Stay tuned…you can determine the results of #cookiemadness and have some fun in the process.
May the crumbs of this bracket make your sadness go away until March Madness comes back next year.