Why is this holiday cookie always the last one on the plate?

Holiday themed sugar cookies on display at Whimsy Cookie, a new cookie bakery on 4927 Kingston Pike, in Bearden in Knoxville, Tenn. on Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2020. Sugar cookie prices range from $3.50 to $4.50.Sn Whimsy RANK6
Holiday themed sugar cookies on display at Whimsy Cookie, a new cookie bakery on 4927 Kingston Pike, in Bearden in Knoxville, Tenn. on Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2020. Sugar cookie prices range from $3.50 to $4.50.Sn Whimsy RANK6

Everyone has a favorite holiday cookie, but why does everyone leave this one behind?

The favorite holiday cookie can be a debated subject. Recently, Instagram released its list of the most popular holiday cookies by state. While everyone loves talking about their favorite cookies, what about those cookies that no one wants to eat. Every cookie plate has one that just is left behind. Why do people keep making these holiday cookies?

Looking at Instagram’s most popular cookies by state list, it seems that the most popular cookies are peanut butter, shortbread, crinkle, oatmeal, sugar cookies, gingerbread, and snickerdoodles. Except, Illinois picked classic chocolate as its top choice.

Overall, these holiday cookies are some of the most common cookies. Many people have grown up decorating sugar cookies. Crinkle cookies are an easy cookie to master. Snickerdoodles are that delicious warm cinnamon aroma that is irresistible.

But, there is always one holiday cookie that is left behind. What are the worst holiday cookies and why do people keep making them?

There are many cookies that tend to be on the worst list. From biscotti to snowballs, those cookies often required copious amounts of napkins and beverages to make them palatable.

Truthfully, the worst cookie on the holiday plate is the jam thumbprint cookie. While that simple cookie looks enticing, it is very deceiving. Usually that jam center is just trying to cover up a dry, flavorless cookie.

Even worst, the jam can be a bad flavor. While that pretty red color makes you think that a luscious raspberry jam is a treat, the flavor is really rhubarb or something un-identifiable. Or worse, it could that apricot jam that you only use in a marinade.

This year, if you are making holiday cookies, only put everyone’s favorite holiday cookie on the plate. Everyone has gone through enough this year. No one needs to eat a bad cookie.

What do you think is the worst holiday cookie?