Heinz backs hot dog lovers calling for a quits on unequal wieners and buns packs

Heinz Promo, photo provided by Heinz
Heinz Promo, photo provided by Heinz

The question we have been asking ourselves every time we prepare for a BBQ is now a question HEINZ is bringing to the forefront. How many times have you asked yourself, “why do hot dogs come in a pack of 10 and buns only come in a pack of 8?” Even Steve Martin wondered the same in the popular 90s film, Father of the Bride.

Just in time for National Hot Dog month, HEINZ Ketchup is launching the Heinz Hot Dog Pact, calling on big bun and hot dog companies to sell even packs, finally.

HEINZ is stepping up for both Americans and Canadians to put an end to the hot-dog-to bun ratio issue.

To combat the hot dog scandal, the condiment company is asking for consumers to sign a petition at www.HeinzHotDogPact.com, demanding change from hot dog and bun companies.

Once the petition starts, that’s also when the debate starts because which brand will create the even pack? The bun company or the hot dog company? Will they create a pack of 10 or a pack of 8? Will there be packs of 10 and 8? Which would you rather?

So wait, why is HEINZ petitioning for this? Well, HEINZ Ketchup is the go-to condiment for over 150 years that usually layers right on top of your hot dog, but according to a press release, this has been a debate from fans for years.

“We’ve seen our fans through social media express their outrage about the bun-to-hot-dog ratio issue for years, and we know there must be a better way. We believe that the time for change is now and we are hopeful,” says Daniel Gotlib, Associate Director, Brand Building & Innovation, Kraft Heinz Company.

Do you think we can rally together to get even packs?

10 Buns. 10 Hot Dogs. That’s all we’re asking for. Let’s change hot dog history forever!