Whether served with eggs at breakfast or topping a sandwich, bacon is a favorite food. With the new Hormel Black Label Bacon seasonal flavors, that delicious bite might come with a request for an extra serving.
Recently, Hormel Black Label Bacon shared that it will be releasing seasonal flavors. To kick off this concept, it is offering Apple Cider Hormel Black Label Bacon. Apple cider is not only growing in popularity during the fall season. For those who prefer the orchard to the patch, this option will be a big hit.
Also, this particular seasonal flavor might be bring a new way to enjoy some of those apple cider doughnuts. Just think of this new bacon flavor as a topping to that warm, sweet treat. With a little maple glaze, it might be the must have treat of the season.
The idea of apple cider and pork is a combination that work. Who hasn’t used apple cider with barbecue pork or as a way to keep smoked meat moist? Those apple flavors work well with the smoky qualities of a bacon.

While the Apple Cider flavor will be around just for the fall, it is one example of the Hormel Black Label Bacon seasonal flavors and other limited rotating flavor options. Although not announced yet, the holiday offering will probably have many people running to get that first taste. Could it be gingerbread bacon? Just think of the gingerbread house with that option?
Seasonal bacon flavors are gaining in popularity. Boosting bacon’s flavor is not necessarily a new idea. There is a recipe for pumpkin spice bacon. Candied bacon has been a popular choice for a while.
Even spicy and sweet bacon has people cheering. Recently, First Watch brought back its Mike’s Hot Honey partnership and featured the flavor on its Million Dollar Bacon. That ingredient in its Million Dollar Harvest Hash is definitely a treasure to find amongst the potatoes, eggs, and greens.
While Hormel Black Label Bacon is choosing to put seasonal flavors front and center, consumers have to buy the product. As long as people are hungry for that taste, it will be on the shelf.
What do you think of flavored bacon? Does it sizzle or is it not appetizing?