Iron Chef Gauntlet Season 2 episode 6 live stream: Watch online

One chef will enter The Gauntlet. Can Chef Lefevre succeed in Iron Chef Gauntlet Season 2 episode 6, the finale or will he fall just short?

In Iron Chef Gauntlet Season 2 episode 6, the anticipation of this finale is great. Throughout Food Network’s Iron Chef Season 2, Chef Lefevre has overcome many challenges. He conquered several Secret Ingredient Challenges and earned his position in the finale. Will this battle tested chef win the coveted title of Iron Chef?

According to the Food Network, the synopsis for “The Gauntlet Finale” states the following:

"The last chef standing faces almost insurmountable odds when they must cook their way through the three-round Gauntlet against Iron Chefs Alex Guarnaschellli, Stephanie Izard and Michael Symon. But in surprise twist, the Chairman allows the challenger to decide which ingredient they’ll battle each Iron Chef with, and judges Donatella Arpaia and Marcus Samuelson decided whether the competitor leaves in defeat or joins the coveted ranks of the Iron Chefs."

Iron Chef David LeFevre, as seen on Iron Chef Gauntlet, Season 2.

Last year, Stephanie Izard was able to win the Gauntlet. While she didn’t have to beat individual Iron Chef, her cumulative score earned her the title. Most likely, Chef LeFevre will have the same criteria to earn his title.

While the Chairman offers Chef LeFevre the advantage of choosing ingredients, smart strategy needs to be employed. Although the Iron Chefs are well versed in all types of ingredients, Chef LeFevre needs to score big with his best ingredient. If he chooses ingredients wisely, he should have a strong chance.

One interesting twist is that Chef Alex Guarnaschelli has seen Chef Lefevre in this Iron Chef Gauntlet season. She could use this situation to her advantage. Will the knowledge of his cooking techniques and approach be help the Iron Chef in this particular battle?

Does Chef LeFevre have a good chance of winning Iron Chef Gauntlet Season 2? I think that it depends on the secret ingredients. If the ingredients are in his wheelhouse, he should do well. If the ingredients are obscure, the competition is up for grabs.

Ready to watch the Iron Chef Gauntlet finale? Here’s how.

Date: Wednesday, May 8

Start Time: 9 p.m. EST

Episode: “The Gauntlet Finale”

TV Channel: Food Network

Live Stream: Watch live on Fubo TV. Sign up now for a free seven-day trial. You can also watch on Food Network’s website or app.

Iron Chef Gauntlet Season 2 airs on Food Network on Wednesday nights at 9 p.m. EST.