How are you spending Thanksgiving this year? Does the idea of sitting around the family holiday table have people ditching the holiday tradition?
Thanksgiving or Friendsgiving? While tradition states that families gather around that holiday table, people’s idea of who is sitting at the table has changed. Has the stress from those holiday gatherings caused people to ditch family for a big gathering of friends?
Recently, Heineken looked into people’s holiday trends. The findings were a little more telling than what everyone expected. According to this study, 40% of people will ditch their family for friends this year. It could the fear of talking politics, the drama associated with family or a variety of other reasons. Still, the family holiday table is becoming a thing of the past.
Keeping these findings in mind, Heineken is offering 10 complete strangers the opportunity to celebrate Thanksgiving together. The idea is to celebrate the unexpected and put aside the focus of tradition. Could something great come from this social experiment?

This social experiment isn’t new for the brand. Previously, the World’s Apart video showed that people can find common ground if they can put aside the differences and focus on the similarities. Sometimes the people with opposing views are more like than
While this idea is a promotion for Heineken, the idea behind it can have a broader application. Most people aren’t able to host a group of strangers for the holiday, but what about serving others during the holidays. Not just serving a meal to those less fortunate, but what about sharing a meal with those people. Taking the time to listen to their stories could be a thankful moment.
Even this idea doesn’t have to be limited to just the holiday season. Communal tables at restaurants or food halls can bring unlikely people together around the table. Maybe if more people talked and listened to each other, people would find that they have more in common. Wouldn’t it be nice for people to see the similarities not the differences?
How will you be celebration Thanksgivings or the holidays this year? No matter who is sitting at the table, find at least one reason to be grateful this year.