Is it yuck? The Disgusting Food Museum wants you to taste it

The Disgusting Food Museum isn’t a Survivor reward challenge. This celebration of food will make visitors reconsider their idea of yucky food.

The Disgusting Food Museum isn’t just a place to dare your friends to eat something weird. This exhibit is a celebration of food from around the globe. Held at A+D Architecture and Design Museum in the Downtown Los Angeles Arts District, the museum invites guests to take a culinary journey through the world of food.

Every culture has certain foods that other countries might find unusual. People have flavor preferences, local delicacies and a myriad of other culinary likes. While some people might squeamishly turn away from these foods, other people will happily indulge in the dish.

The Disgusting Food Museum is asking people to rethink what people find disgusting. A simple example is insects. In many cultures, fried insects are commonplace. They are a great source of protein and they are a sustainable food source. In the U.S., people only think of eating insects as part of a dare.

That type of thinking is the theme behind this food celebration. Granted, many of the foods on display are much more extreme. Still, the premises is the same. What one person loves another person may not understand.

In this exhibit, the display will feature 80 diverse foods. Some examples include Durain, the very smelly fruit from Thailand and Surströmming, the infamous putrid sea herring dish from Sweden. Guests are encourages to smell and even try some select samples at the grand finale tasting bar.

While some people might visit this exhibit and dare each other to eat certain foods, this culinary conversation goes beyond the “yuck” factor. In today’s world, climate change is having a dismal effect on farming. Food waste is a huge problem. If people don’t open their minds other food sources, the world’s outlook can be quite grim.

Truthfully, many of these foods will be mind over matter. Having traveled around the world and eaten all types of food, there are very few bites that are truly disgusting. Many foods taste the same or have little flavor. The words of my son, when he ate a grilled caterpillar, ring in my ear. It needs more seasoning.

The Disgusting Food Museum will be open from December 9, 2018 through February 17, 2019. For more information or to purchase tickets, please visit the company’s website.

Are you ready to stop staying yuck and open your mind to new food experiences? This exhibit might be the perfect opportunity.