The worst cooks tend to come out of hiding at the holidays. Luckily, those kitchen nightmares can be quashed with Honey Baked Ham Company’s Hamergency Kit.
Could your holiday ham be part of the worst cooks club? Even though the best of chefs can have a bad day in the kitchen, some people should just order out. Although people want to be gracious over the holidays, the truth is some people need to stay out of the kitchen. In many cases, the holiday meal might be in need of a Hamergency Kit from Honey Baked Ham Company.
Think of this scenario. You go to your sister’s house for a holiday meal. There is an aroma wafting its way to the front door as soon as you walk in the house. Although you were hoping for a warm, comforting smell of a ham slowly baking in the oven, the truth is a little less pleasant. That smell of charcoal is usually reserved for the summer barbecue.
Of course, everyone might want to put on a brave face, smile and push some food around on a plate. Isn’t there a better way to fight off this ham disaster? Luckily, Honey Baked Ham has come to the rescue. The Hamergency Kit is the solution.
Avoid a holiday disaster with Honey Baked Ham Company’s Hamergency Kit, photo provide by Honey Baked Ham Company
While this holiday offering is a little silly, it could be a nice way to tell family and friends to re-evaluate their cooking skills. There is nothing worse than burnt ham. This funny kit helps to hide that cooking mistake.
With a special candle, pot holders and other cooking disaster accessories, the kit helps to make light of the cooking fail. Everyone has a cooking fail/kitchen disaster story (my sister-in-law set my sweater on fire one year- needless to say, she doesn’t enter my kitchen anymore). Those stories are part of the holiday experience. With this promotion, those cooking failures have a few more laughs and a lot less tears.
Do you have some worst cooks in your life that could use a Hamergency Kit? Head over to Honey Baked Ham Company and share your story. Let’s hope that everyone can read all these cooking disasters. It might make those lumpy mashed potatoes seem not quite so horrendous.