The Hemp Division’s CBD tea is refreshing, and very relaxing
CBD infused food and drink is still a hot spot for the FDA, but some companies are pushing for it to be added into food and drinks. You can find CBD infused products in certain places, some of which may surprise you!
As many of you may have guessed, I am fascinated by the whole CBD FDA debacle. After last week’s hearing, in which Ben and Jerry’s was pushing for the FDA to give the OK for CBD infused foods, the FDA still hasn’t decided if they want to allow CBD to be infused in foods or not. I won’t get into any kind of legal jargon here, but I hope they say OK sooner rather than later.
That being said, there are companies that are adding CBD to their foods. The Hemp Division has released a delicious line of CBD tea aimed to refresh, calm, center, or relax the consumer.
You can buy a pack of 12 for a fairly hefty price online, but a local bagel shop — Towson Hot Bagels — also carries the tea at $8 a bottle.
Refresh is made with green tea, ginger, and coconut. When blended together the ingredients make for a surprising floral taste, which was rather invigorating.
The 8 MG of CBD didn’t add a taste, and while I certainly felt better after finishing the bottle, and my arthritis didn’t bother me as much after I finished the bottle.
If cold tea isn’t your thing, The Hemp Division also offers hot teas as well, with CBD infused in them. You can get tea with 8 to 16 MG’s of CBD, depending on how relaxed you want to be. The hot tea comes in tins, and at $10 a tin this is certainly an affordable way to see if the tea will work for you.
Overall I liked the drink. It really was delicious, and cooled me down on a muggy Sunday in Baltimore. At $8 a bottle I can’t see this as a regular treat for me, but every now and again, why not?
What do you think? Is CBD tea and infused food the way of the future? Let us know in the comments below!