Move over slurping. Cup Noodles Stir Fry gives noodle fans a whole new convenient meal. It might even replace your favorite take-out order.
A new easy, convenient meal is coming to store shelves. Cup Noodle Stir Fry is changing the game on noodle dishes. Now some of your favorite take-out orders can be made in a matter of minutes. Time to get your chopsticks ready.
Everyone knows Cup Noodles and its infamous ramen. Those easy, convenient meals have been a pantry staple. From late night eating to comfort food, the steaming hot noodles and broth is a favorite.
While ramen has been around forever, Asian foods and flavors have seen a spike in popularity. From seasonings and sauces (like gochujang) to dishes like stir fry noodles, Asian dishes are almost as popular as the hamburger. But, many people feel intimidated to cook these dishes at home.
With Cup Noodles Stir Fry, the flavors of those popular Asian dishes come through while offering the convenience and ease that people want. In a matter of minutes, a hot, tasty dish is ready to go.
This new line includes Korean BBQ, Teriyaki Beef, and vegetarian friendly Sweet Chili. Also, borrowing from the very successful Cup Noodles Very Veggie, each meal comes with “high-quality vegetables.” The added vegetables offer both flavor and texture to these noodle meals.
A couple of items are quite interesting about this new Cup Noodles offering. First, it is the first time that the brand has expanded beyond soup. Since many people are loyal to Cup Noodles, it can be expected that fans will try this new meal.
New Cup Noodles Stir Fry, Korean BBQ flavor, photo provided by Cup Noodles
Also, sometimes soup isn’t convenient. From on the go to eating and studying, slurping can get a little messy. This new meal cuts down on the potential spillage factor and is convenient. Remember to always slurp responsibly.
Looking at the three flavors, the Korean BBQ is the most exciting. The flavor is slightly hot with notes of soy, garlic and even a little ginger. Each bite invites you back again and again, until the bowl is empty.
Since this new meal is from Cup Noodles, the stir fry noodles are tasty. While they seem to have a little different texture from the traditional ramen noodles, they have just the right bite to absorb all the flavors and contrast the vegetables.
The new Cup Noodles Stir Fry is available exclusively at Walmart staring in September. More retailers will carry the product starting in December.
Are you excited for this new Cup Noodles offering? Do you think that this meal could replace your favorite take-out?