A smooth tea is in your future. Pure Leaf Cold Brew tea brings that slow brewed process to the popular tea brand and it is a taste that you need to try.
If coffee has embraced the cold, tea should too. Pure Leaf Cold Brew Tea is bringing the cold brew process to the tea that people love. Are you ready to taste the difference in flavor?
Many people are familiar with the cold brewing process for coffee. The slowly steeped brewing process allows the coffee flavor to develop over time. The result is a smooth, less bitter flavor.
For many people, the cold brewed beverage offers a rich flavor that often requires less sugar, cream or other added flavors. Since the brewing process isn’t rushed, the full flavor comes through in each sip.
Pure Leaf has expanded that concept to its tea line. Instead of rushing the brewing process, the select leaf blend is brewed three times longer. The resulting tea has a less bitter flavor and is quite smooth. More importantly for some people, it has less sugar even though the slightly sweet flavor comes through in each sip.
The Pure Leaf Cold Brew tea will be available starting early March in three variations, Slightly Sweet Black Tea, Slightly Sweet Black Tea with Tropical Mango and Unsweetened. The three variations seem to hit the most popular tea drinker types.
The Slightly Sweet Black Tea with Tropical Mango is the perfect beverage for an afternoon break. The hint of mango brightens the traditional tea.
With many people reducing their alcoholic drinks for the New Year, this tea would be perfect for a mocktail. Add a floater of ginger beer to incorporate a touch of spice and splash of bubbles.
The Pure Leaf Cold Brew tea, unsweetened, is a great option to always have in the refrigerator. Whether drunk on its own, used to make an Arnold Palmer or incorporated into a cocktail, it is probably one of the most versatile beverages. One super creative idea is to use the tea for a granita at your next brunch.
The addition of a cold brew tea is a smart expansion for Pure Leaf. The brand continues to push flavor profiles and beverage trends. After everyone fell in love with the hibiscus infused teas, it is nice to see how the brand took flavors in another new direction.
The Pure Leaf Cold Brew tea is available in a 14 oz THC bottle at various retailers staring in March 2020.
What do you think of the Pure Leaf Cold Brew tea? Are you enticed to take a sip?