Need a little downtime? It is time to relax with Cookie Monster Snack Time and feel a little better.
Sesame Street keeps rolling out great ways for kids to tune in and feel normal and less afraid during this pandemic, stay at home period. Cookie Monster is the newest, lovable, furry monster to get his own segment weekly, in the afternoon, for kids to enjoy. Cookie Monster snack time, with recipes and “interaction” with the kids for two minutes or so, is a great way to sit back, take deep breath, and relax.
Of course you would think Cookie Monster Snack Time always includes having cookies, but he has mixed it up to include other items that are a bit healthier for the kids. The first episode did include eating a cookie together, but then in subsequent episodes, he has made smoothies. He also suggests other items to eat in case you don’t have any cookies on hand.
Here’s the first episode in case you missed it. And if you need ideas for kinds of cookies to bake, follow our Cookie Madness, cookie brackets to see which recipe ends up being the favorite!
Healthy, Too!
In traditional Sesame Street style. Cookie Monster Snack Time also includes ways to be a “better human.” Cookie Monster suggests washing your hands and making sure they are clean before you eat your snack! Great tip for any time, but especially now as people around the world are very conscious about keeping their hands clean and germ free.
Cookie Monster Snack Time airs on Tuesdays, on the Sesame Street Youtube Channel. In addition to the actual furry monster clips, there is an animated clip where he does Monster Meditation. The quiet time and questions he asks to other animated characters discuss things kids might be wondering about, but might not know how to voice.
Sesame Street is also having Elmo host a 30 minute “playdate” where kids can join him in singing and dancing. We need more Muppets in our lives, especially now. Sesame Street for the win.
How are you balancing life right now? What little things are bringing the “happy” to your day?