Victoria’s Gregorio is ready to sing a special El Dia de la Madre cancion

Victoria Mother's Day promotion, photo provided by Victoria
Victoria Mother's Day promotion, photo provided by Victoria

Did you know that Mother’s Day and El Dia de la Madre are both May 10? Victoria’s spokesperson, Gregorio has a special song prepared.

While many people enjoyed a Victoria beer on Cinco de Mayo, El Dia de la Madre and Mother’s Day are another reason to raise a glass. Even though there are just a few more days to get that special present for mom, Victoria has a perfect, one of a kind that any mom would love to get on May 10. How will you sing mom’s praises this year?

Considered the oldest Mexican beer, dating back to 1965, Victoria is stepped in tradition. Victoria’s spokesperson, Gregorio, has learned to appreciate the Mexican culture behind the beer. As the American embraces many Mexican traditions, he has become the bridge between the iconic Mexican beer and the American consumer. This year. Gregorio is channeling his inner Mariachi for a song that is perfect for any and every mom.

Now through May 10, Victoria and Gregorio will create a customized song for the mom in your life. Whether you celebrate Mother’s Day or El Dia de la Madre, this cancion will feature some of the most important reasons why your mom is special.

To have you song created, share a few details about mom to Victoria’s Facebook page via Messenger. Some details can include, her name, a photo and a request for the song.

Gregorio will respond with a one of a kind Mariachi song for mom. The song can be downloaded and shared.

If you go to the Facebook page, Gregorio gives you a short example of a beautiful song about moms. Since it is a cancion, the words are in Spanish. Even if you can’t understand a word beyond madre, it is the sentiment that counts. What mom wouldn’t want a song to celebrate her?

Whether you celebrate Mother’s Day or El Dia de la Madre, remember to take a moment to celebrate the women in your life. From singing her praises to a kind word of gratitude, those strong, influential women have impacted everyone’s lives.

How are you celebrating the moms in your life on May 10?