Dalgona Coffee is a college student’s solution for gourmet coffee

Photo by Thierry Monasse/Getty Images)
Photo by Thierry Monasse/Getty Images)

College students are embracing the Dalgona coffee beverage trend.

For many college students, finding a gourmet cup of coffee usually results in an expensive trip to the coffee shop in the corner. While everyone enjoys those trips, too many of those visits can become costly for students.  Could Dalgona coffee change those coffee habits?

A new solution has surfaced that brings not only a coffee that is perfectly suited for an Instagram appearance, but bring robust taste as well. The trendy coffee, called Dalgona Coffee, was popularized over Tiktok while people were locked inside of their homes and looking for easy recipes to make.

The whipped coffee originates from South Korea. It is named after Dalgona toffee, which is a honeycomb-like toffee that’s popular there. Although holding the name of the toffee, it is not actually in the coffee.

Using the Trader Joe’s recipe, which requires two tablespoons of instant coffee, sugar, and hot water. The water must be hot, that way the coffee brews while being mixed.

Once all the above-mentioned ingredients are in the bowl, you must whisk them (either electrically with a mixer or by hand) until the mixture is caramel in color. At this point, take whole milk, or whatever you use in your coffee, and fill three-fourths of a small glass with it, with some ice as well.

Now, all you need to do is pour the coffee mixture on top of the milk element, and boom! You have a coffee that is tasty on the buds and on the eyes!

The best part about this recipe is how adaptable it is for college students. According to data shared with Refinery29 in September of 2018, the average price of a latte in the US is $4.16, which can put a strain on students who for the most part are constrained by a thin budget already.

Without even leaving their dorm room, students now have the ability to create delicious coffee at a low-cost price. Ditch the Keurigs and long lines at cafes, and instead take up a whisk and brew up a cup of Dalgona coffee.

Do you embrace coffee trends or do you prefer just a plain cup of coffee?