Jennifer Lopez and Yoplait celebrate It’s Yoplaitime

Jennifer Lopez and Yoplait It's Yoplaitime, photo provided by Yoplait
Jennifer Lopez and Yoplait It's Yoplaitime, photo provided by Yoplait

During It’s Yoplaitime, Jennifer Lopez and Yoplait ask families to get up and dance.

Are you ready for It’s Yoplaitime? While Jennifer Lopez might have the most impressive dance moves, Yoplait thinks that everyone can let the rhythm move them. In this collaboration, the pair encourage families to embrace some more playtime.

For many children, especially in today’s climate, the day is spent staring at screen. While some of that screen time is necessary, kids need to be active, too. That brain break is more than playing another game on a device. Why not stand up from the chair, put on some music and get moving?

Yoplait believes that active kids are healthy kids. Finding easy and creative ways to get kids, and families, off the couch and move is important.

Susan Pitt, director of brand experience, General Mills, said “families find creative ways to get the physical activity they need amidst this new reality.” While moms know that Yoplait is a convenient, affordable way to give their kids a snack to fuel their play, parents need to create ways to get the kids engaged in being active. It is about finding the life balance.

The It’s Yoplaitime challenge gets families active without the pressure to put that activity on the calendar. Instead of being a “have to” moment, it becomes a “want to” moment. When kids appreciate that they feel good by getting up and moving, they might be more likely to stop and take those move breaks for themselves.

Jennifer Lopez, Yoplait,
Jennifer Lopez and Yoplait It’s Yoplaitime, photo provided by Yoplait

For Lopez, dancing is part of her family’s routine. Lopez said, “In my house – dancing and moving are a part of our everyday lives. And when my kids are active, they’re happy.” That sentiment drives this partnership. Being active can spark some happiness in everyone’s daily lives.

As part of the It’s Yoplaitime challenge, Jennifer Lopez and Yoplait are taking to Instagram to encourage everyone to show their best dance moves. While it might be your 15 seconds of fame, the challenge helps to raise funds for Feeding America.

While the Yoplaitime Challenge will showcase some epic, creative and maybe interesting dance moves, the challenge is more than impressive rhythm. It is about being active and helping a good cause.

Encouraging everyone to participate, Lopez said, “my family will show you our moves if you show us yours. Find me on Instagram to join. For every family that participates, Yoplait will donate funds that help provide nutritious food, including dairy, to Feeding America food banks to help kids grow strong and play long.”

If your family wants to participate in this challenge, it is simple. Post a video with the hashtag #YoplaitimeDonation and Lopez’s song, “Pa Ti,” All videos posted by October 30, 2020 will have Yoplait donate $1 to Feeding America, up to $300,000.

Everyone has spent enough time on the couch this year. Whether your best dance move is the Cabbage Patch, the Sprinkler or the Twist, it doesn’t matter. Embrace the moment, the fun and just get moving.

How do you encourage your family to get moving?