Chili’s Presidente Margarita deal isn’t red or blue, but this deal is definitely for you.
While many people are taking a side, the Chili’s Presidente Margarita deal is getting cheers from across the aisle. Although election season can be divisive, Chili’s is trying to unite everyone with a common love of Presidente Margaritas. Doesn’t the Margarita Party deserve your support?
Now through November 3, Chili’s Grill & Bar is giving everyone a reason to “ritalax.” The iconic margarita is just $5. That’s right, all day, every day, for two weeks straight, the infamous Chili’s Presidente Margarita deal is available. The offer is available both in restaurant and to-go.
While the exact recipe remains a guarded secret, one of the keys to this iconic margarita is that it is hand-shaken 25 times. No more, no less. There’s no debating who is right on the amount of shaking.
Combining Sauza Conmemorativo Tequila, Patrón Citrónge and E&J Brandy with the signature Chili’s mix creates a margarita that can’t be beat. Whether you enjoy one in San Francisco, Milwaukee or Pennsylvania, that margarita is the same classic taste every time.
Since many people are looking to show support for their favorite “presidente,” Chili’s is giving back to those fans who are getting out the vote. Anyone who orders one of these margaritas will get a free commemorative sticker (while supplies last). Who says that voting has to be stressful?

Lastly, that Presidente Margarita could come with some big perks. If you share your support for the Chili’s classic on socials, it could reap big rewards. By tagging #PresidenteForPrez on social while enjoying that sip could earn some fun prizes.
The Ultimate Margarita Party kit includes Margarita Party swag, a margarita machine, classic President Margarita shakers and glassware and free Chilis’ for one full year. Unlike other political signs that will disappear on November 4, this party always has your back.
Even if everyone is having election fatigue, the Margarita Party doesn’t judge, bicker or take divisive sides. Sometimes some big problem can be solved over a margarita. It might not be a beer summit in the Rose Garden, but it could make the harsh language a little more bearable.
Does the Chili’s Presidente Margarita Deal get your vote?