Pillsbury DINO Cutout Sugar Cookie Dough is dino-mite fun

Pillsbury Dino Cutout Sugar Cookies, photo provided by Pillsbury
Pillsbury Dino Cutout Sugar Cookies, photo provided by Pillsbury

Baking is taking a pre-historic turn with the new Pillsbury DINO Cutout Sugar Cookie Dough. The newest shape to the Pillsbury baking line, these cookies will definitely spark some dessert creativity. Are you hungry for some dino-mite baking?

For many people, baking is more than just a sweet treat to bring a smile to the day. Sometimes that perfect little dessert is a way to express creativity. With a little imagination, that cookie can tell a whole story.

The new Pillsbury DINO Cutout Sugar Cookie Dough is a great innovation for both bakers and the brand. Many home bakers like cutout cookies, but they can be a lot of work. From rolling out the dough to the right thickness to having all the cookie cutters in the cabinet, there is some prep work involved.

With this new cookie dough option, Pillsbury makes it easy for home bakers. Now the perfect dinosaur shape goes from refrigerator to oven to plate every time. No extra steps are necessary.

When Pillsbury DINO Cutout Sugar Cookie Dough be stomping onto store shelves?

Arriving this month, the new Pillsbury cookie dough should quickly become a popular choice with bakers. Beyond the ease of use, the cookie dough allows home bakers to put a decorative creativity on the plate.

From some simple sprinkles to brightly colored icings, these shaped cookies lend themselves to creative expression. Whether one person wants a purple dinosaur and another person wants a pink one, the truth is that everyone can enjoy one their way. Sometimes a sweet treat can spark imagination and conversation beyond the plate. A little fun is always a good thing.

The new Pillsbury DINO Cutout Sugar Cookie Dough will be available at various retailers. It has a suggested retail price of two packages for $5. One package makes a total of 10 cutout cookies.

How does baking spark creativity in your kitchen? What other cutout cookie shapes would you like to see on the shelf?