What’s the most popular quick service restaurant on a road trip?

(Photo by George Rose/Getty Images)
(Photo by George Rose/Getty Images)

Driving down the highway, the signs are everywhere. From Home of the Whopper to the Golden Arches to even that Made to Crave, each highway exit offers a plethora of food options. But, which one is the most popular quick service restaurant on a road trip?

In the past year, road trips have become the norm. As flying has become dubious, the car or even RV has become the transportation of choice. While that option allows for some personal comfort, it might be the road that has a few more winding trails. As the hours past by, the hunger grows and the pit stop is more than a funny phrase from the movie Cars.

While some people might prefer to hit a Triple D location or some locale fare, others prefer the tried and true. Most nationwide locations of a particular brand of quick service restaurant all have the same menus. There might be a one off here or there, but the majority of food options are the same.

Do you agree with the most popular quick service restaurant on a road trip?

According to Finance Buzz survey, it determined the 10 most popular quick service restaurant choices on a road trip. While a few options were unlikely, the tried and true topped the most popular spots.

The survey found that the least popular quick service restaurant was In and Out Burger. But, this statement should come with a caveat. In and Out Burger is not available across the U.S. So, this restaurant being on the bottom is slightly unfair.

The top five restaurants, in order of most popular to least popular are McDonald’s, Chick-fil-A, Wendy’s, KFC and Burger King. McDonald’s was chosen over 3 to 1 to Chick-fil-A (22.7% vs 7.7%).

Whether it is those French fries, the Happy Meal or something else, McDonald’s reigns supreme. It could also be the availability of those restaurants. It seems that there is one at almost every exit. And, Chick-fil-A isn’t open on Sundays, which is a detriment for road trips.

When someone can’t make a decision about where the next food stop will be, go with the tried and true most popular quick service restaurant. Just don’t ask if the ice cream machine is working.

What is your favorite quick service restaurant? Do you splurge on food while on a road trip?