As the holiday season approaches, the routines can be ripped to shreds like the wrapping paper on a holiday gift. While Harley Pasternak has shared his fitness wisdom with both famous celebrities and everyday people, the reality is that everyone has to put in the work. But, it doesn’t mean that life is limited. During FoodSided’s recent conversation with Pasternak, he shared his suggestions for finding balance this holiday season.
While healthy eating and balanced lifestyles come in all forms, Pasternak has a strong belief that the holiday season doesn’t have to spark a change to routine. For him, that time from Thanksgiving through New Years is another day on the calendar. As long as everyone commits to finding balance, the routine is never off kilter.
Pasternak appreciates that there are going to be times when food is more indulgent and other times where there is compromise. No one should be too hard on those other times when the extra treat becomes the focal point. Life is too short to feel deprived.
At the same time, Pasternak fills this routine with smart choices. For example, Maple Hill Creamery, which has just launched its zero sugar, zero carb, organic milk, is a great option for that morning smoothie. When food delivers a great taste, it makes the routine more appealing. Flavorful food or recipe excites people time and again.
How does Harley Pasternak keep motivated during the holidays?
For Harley Pasternak, life is about finding ways to keep all aspects in check. Whether it is getting 12,000 steps a day or seven hours of good sleep a night, the concepts are easy to understand and implement. From unplugging from technology to balancing protein, fiber and health fat, his must haves are reasonable even for the busiest person.
Even on the days when motivation is a little low, Pasternak recommends just getting up and going for a walk. That easy movement is doesn’t require a lot of effort but it motivates. Whether it is walking around the block or walking to meet a friend for coffee, that simple act of movement can be the spark to keep the routine on track.
In addition, Pasternak believes that people need to pick an activity that they are good at. Even if it is just getting off the couch and doing some simple moves, that positive choice can and does make a difference.
As a big believer of starting small, Pasternak said that every book he has ever written is about “not doing much.” Instead of the extreme or regimented plans, it is moderation and the “synergy” of all the aspects.
Since food is a big part of that synergy, Pasternak said that he is a big fan of using a blender. For example, the Maple Hill Creamery is part of his smoothie routine. That “quick, easy, simple smoothie” is a great way to start the day. From a fruit to protein, that blender can whip up the perfect balanced food.
While the food and movement are part of that balanced routine, rest and recovery are equally vital. Pasternak commented that recovery is a little more en vogue and people appreciate that they cannot push themselves to the limit without potentially going to far. For Pasternak, that down time is just as important as having that big slice of cake on your birthday.
What is your secret to keeping your balanced routine on track? Are there are recipes that help to boost your mood?