Sometimes cooking with old friends makes the experience even sweeter. In a recent announcement, Yummly has partnered with Sesame Street to offer some kid-friendly recipes that the whole family will come to love. Grab the spatula and apron because it is time to get everyone in the kitchen.
Cookie Monster and Elmo are the new sous chefs for Chef and TV Personality Joel Gamoran. While Gamoran knows his way around his mise en place, he breaks down each recipe in simple terms that everyone can follow. From the family who wants to make a recipe together to possibly getting the kids to learn to appreciate a new food, this four-part series could become a part of family time.
Available on the Yummly website and app, the special partnership features four different topics. In the first video, available now, Gamoran, Cookie Monster and Elmo whip up some cranberry hand pies.
While food television fans might worry when terms of soggy bottoms and unbaked crusts are bantered about, these videos focus on the fun of cooking. With strong cooking techniques woven into the story, everyone can have a new appreciation for food and cooking.
Even though The Count might not be measuring out all the exact ingredients, parents can appreciate the skills that the kids are learning while watching these videos. After all, sometimes knowledge is best gained when there is a little fun in the mix.
And, when parents worry with getting kids to eat new or different foods, the struggle can be lessened when the kids have a hand in the creation. Many people believe that when kids help make the food on the table, they are often more willing to eat it and say that it tastes yummy.
The first video in the Yummly and Sesame Street collaboration, Cranberry Hand Pies, is available now. The additional videos will be available New Year’s Eve December 27, Elmo’s Birthday January 31, and Valentine’s Day February 7.
What is a favorite recipe that you make as a family? Are you excited to cook along with Sesame Street?