Easy ways to use leftover sparkling wine

(Photo by Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images)
(Photo by Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images)

While the party might have lasted well past midnight, sometimes one too many bottles were opened. When there is leftover sparkling wine, do not send those bubbles down the drain. A few other uses can ensure that every last drop is enjoyed.

Although the bubbles might have lost their pop, the flavor can add its own “pop” to various recipes. After a long night, many people will be hungry for a great breakfast. With that leftover sparkling wine, it will be put to good use.

How to use leftover sparkling wine.

One of the easiest ways to use that sparkling wine is to macerate some berries or other fruit. It is an easy way to get some healthy food choices in to start the day. Simply pour a little into a bowl with the fruit and enjoy.

Also, the sparkling wine can re-hydrate dried fruits like raisins, crasins or other dried fruit. It could make that bowl of oatmeal a little more exciting.

Another way to use leftover sparkling wine is to use it in pancakes or waffles. Replacing water in a batter with the sparkling wine might not add a lot of flavor, but it can make it fluffier.

Keeping with the brunch idea, the sparkling wine can be used in a hollandaise sauce or a simple Vinaigrette for a salad. In many ways, sauces are the most common uses. Just like leftover wine is used in many sauces or stews, so can leftover sparkling wine. Although this ingredient is often more subtle than a big, bold red wine, it is a lovely choice.

Overall, there are plenty of ways to use leftover sparkling wine and there is no reason for a drop to be spilled. So, open another bottle and don’t worry if there is a glass left in the bottle. There are plenty of ways to enjoy it.