Afternoon tea can brew a delightful sip of relaxation

(Photo by Tim Graham/Getty Images)
(Photo by Tim Graham/Getty Images)

While some people might see afternoon tea as a ritual, that little break can be a moment to reset, to contemplate or just to relax. Whether brewed in a favorite mug, special teapot or another manner, that beverage can might be a moment that satisfies in a better way than quiet quitting. Is there a special tea that could bring that moment of zen?

Although Sheldon in the Big Bang Theory always had a soothing beverage at the ready when his friend was having a difficult moment, that tea was more than just warm comfort in the hand. It represents a moment when people need to stop, wait, and then enjoy. In the world when everything seems to be immediate, those few moments of stopping can be a nudge to take a breath and maybe try to relax.

More than someone trying to predict the future in tea leaves or thinking that a spot of tea can solve the world’s problems, there is something to be said about the ritual. From boiling the water to carefully placing the tea bag, each step comes with its own reward.

Which afternoon tea brew a little extra relaxation?

Sometimes stress can make any day seem too overwhelming. While many people have coping strategies to deal with that feeling, a little extra help can be a soothing sip.

Lipton’s Stress Therapy Herbal Supplement blends particular ingredients to enhance stress relief. With a touch of lavender, the aroma invites a moment of calm. With flavors of cinnamon and chamomile, this tea smooth, satisfying and comforting. It might not be a magic potion, but it could help to ease the tension.

While TAZO has a myriad of refreshing beverages under its line, the new TAZO’s Organic Regenerative line offers a little pick me up while clearing the mind. For example, the TAZO Organic ZEN is a bright, zesty offerings. With spearmint, lemongrass and lemon verbena, the tea is crisp and refreshing. It may not have the answer to inner peace, but it can offer a moment of solitude.

Sometimes there is a little science brewed in a cup. With Pukka’s Peace tea, the application of traditional herbal blends helps to foster relaxation. The combination of “organic chamomile flowers, lavender, spearmint, hemp seed oil and ashwagandha,” the hope is that each sip can reveal a little taste of a more balanced life.

What tea do you think has a satisfying sip? Which beverage brings a touch of relaxation to your day?