Lunchables encourages everyone to stack up some food creativity

(Photo by Sandy Huffaker/Corbis via Getty Images)
(Photo by Sandy Huffaker/Corbis via Getty Images)

Back to school can be both exciting and difficult. Getting up early is only one part of the routine that has to adapt. Lunchtime takes a different look. Instead of that leisurely graze from the pantry, the lunch box needs to captivate the kids’ attention and get them to eat. Luckily, Lunchables can be that food creativity solution.

While a PB&J Sandwich might be a staple and the school pizza might be a treat, Lunchables have become a kid favorite. That ability to customize each bite and build it your way makes eating engaging. Even if the kid would never eat a ham and cheese sandwich, they can happily enjoy ham and cheese on some crackers.

Since Lunchables encourages everyone to play with their food (a little), it wants to see how creative people can be. In the recent giveaway, people are taking to Instagram to showcase their special creation. While it might not be quite as epic as that rocket ship on the brand’s commercial, some of the ideas are quite impressive. And, 25 people will win a $2,000 prize that celebrates that “Lunchabuild.”

While the giveaway is quite impressive, the brand is celebrating the creativity that each container offers. Now through September 4, people can order the new Order This Build functionality which helps to foster that creativity.

The Lunchabuilds include ideas like a dinosaur, helicopter or drum set. The hope is that all ages can see beyond the round foods and simple flavors. Even if mom is not usually a big fan of playing with food, this concept can make that school lunch a little more of a mind break. Sometimes the little things are the best part of the day.

What have you created with Lunchables? Do you sometimes enjoy playing with your food?