When are people potentially the hangriest and how to combat it
While a particular food commercial might have offered a humorous spin on that hangry feeling and attitude, the concept is more than just a fictional depiction. That hangriest moment can get people in trouble. Even the nicest person can get feel the attitude rising when that feeling comes from the pit of the stomach. But, what is the easy way to combat it?
Recently, Farm Rich conducted a poll that questioned when, how and why people get hangry. The survey of 2,000 people showed that Wednesdays can be the hangry day, not just hump day, women can be more hangry than men, and the Northeast has the hangriest people. For those paying attention, it might be best to avoid your Northeastern girlfriend on a Wednesday afternoon. It appears that timing might be the ultimate hangry-fest.
Although there is not a clear answer to the cause of the hangry, Meghan Ozamiz, Director of Marketing for Farm Rich believes that “There are many reasons our moods can be affected by food and this poll shows us a lot of them.” Which leads to the assumption that snacking and having convenient snacks at the ready is important.
How far will people go to avoid the hangriest moments?
Since the hangriest moments can cause some people to think unclearly, it appears that some food faux pas might come true. Although the dreaded double dip might not come into play, a few of the admitted choices are quite concerning.
While it can be annoying to have eat a least favorite food to fight off that hangry feeling, that scenario is not too horrible. But, 27% of people have admitted to eating expired food. Although that expiration date can be confusing, hopefully no one is eating that gingerbread house from two years ago.
Even more concerning was the fact that 28% of respondents said they had eaten “food that’s been thrown out off the top of the garbage can.” Although dumpster diving might have been a food trend at one point, the reality is that this scenario might have taken the situation too far. Next time it is better to have some tasty snacks around.
What curious food choice have you made at your hangriest? What snacks help you avoid the hangry?