Jamie Oliver offers this simple holiday advice for the memorable experience, exclusive

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - JANUARY 09: (EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE) Chef Jamie Oliver visits BuzzFeed's "AM To DM" to discuss his new book "Ultimate Veg: Easy & Delicious Meals for Everyone" on January 09, 2020 in New York City. (Photo by Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK - JANUARY 09: (EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE) Chef Jamie Oliver visits BuzzFeed's "AM To DM" to discuss his new book "Ultimate Veg: Easy & Delicious Meals for Everyone" on January 09, 2020 in New York City. (Photo by Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images)

As the hectic nature of the holiday season goes into full force, that overwhelming feeling might take over. Although the cheer and merriment should fill the day, stepping into the kitchen might be overwhelming. When those feelings take hold, Jamie Oliver has this simple holiday advice that everyone can appreciate.

Many people have been watching Jamie Oliver’s new show on BritBox, One Pan Wonders. While that simplicity of cooking an entire dish in a single pan entices many home cooks, it is more then just the kitchen essentials that make this show a must watch. It is the desire that focus more on the moment than the lead up to the big event.

That idea of simplicity and ease of cooking can apply to the holiday feast. While some people’s special meals feature copious amounts of food, intricate recipes, and immaculate dishes, the reality is that people want to gather around the table and enjoy the moment. When the food preparation takes away from that celebration, it can put a damper on the event.

Jamie Oliver told FoodSided, “For the holidays, sit down for 10 mins and write a plan… on a bit of paper or iPad and finish the wrong way around – start the wrong way around. Start with putting that morsel of food in your mouth and worth backward – work backward…”

That idea of a strong list, or fancier phrase of mise en place, can help but families cannot put memories on a to-do list. While good preparation can make the day go more smoothly and hopefully put food on the table with ease, the food is only one part. When people gather, enjoy time together, and make memories, those sentiments are more flavorful than any dish.

Although a magical dinner cannot be written into a plan, one concept can be front and center. It might be time to put simplicity back on the table. A one pan meal, dessert, or recipe might be the better idea this holiday season. Take the stress out of the situation and put the focus back on togetherness.

Whether it is a great holiday meal, a resolution to become a more versatile cook, or just exploring the love of food and flavor, a gift of BritBox can keep giving well into the New Year. From Jamie Oliver’s One Pan Wonders to a variety of other British programs, there is a plethora of content is waiting. Why not start a 7-day free trial and this holiday season.