While Tony the Tiger might be munching on some Minecraft Frosted Flakes, there is another Minecraft inspired food coming to the shelf. Ready to pop open Pringles Minecraft Suspicious Stew?
For fans of the popular game, the name reference might be apparent. For others who do not under the block world, suspicious stew refers to an in-game food. Chowing down on that item can bring a status effect, like jump boost or night vision. While many people have devoured that item in the game, enjoying in the real world takes on a different approach.
According to Mauricio Jenkins, US marketing lead for Pringles, “Minecraft is beloved by a community of millions, many of which are Pringles fans, so we delivered a tasting experience fans could previously only imagine — the famous suspicious stew. We challenged ourselves to bring the flavor of suspicious stew and its ingredients to crisp-form, creating a flavor experience so delicious that both Minecraft players and non-players will reach for more.”
While fans will have to get a can for themselves, the flavor is described as hearty and savory. Although people will debate what the real food inspiration might be, the reality is that people will buy cans because of the Minecraft connection. Even if people never open the container, this snack item will fly off store shelves.
For some, there might be a subconscious connection to the food and their game play. Even if it does not bring a boost in the actual game play, like night vision, it might be the good luck charm to help people achieve a higher level. Sometimes achievement is about the mindset and a special food might be that boost.

This latest food item continues the partnership that Kellogg’s and Minecraft have been nourishing over the years. While the cereal aisle has many people starting their day with the collaboration, now the snack aisle allows gamers to fuel up during their play.
Over the years, Pringles has kept its finger on pop culture connections. Beyond the big game promotions, the brand has brought together gaming crossovers, innovative flavors, and other fun promotions. Sure, people have learned how not to get their hand stuck in that container, but the snack food is never far from reach.
The new Pringles Minecraft Suspicious Stew will be available starting in April. Check with retailers for pricing and availability. It is available only while supplies last.