Some people dream of doughnuts. It is more than another craving or the first bite to start the day. From the type of doughnuts to the combination of flavors, the culinary creativity could be unlimited. For one special person, the role of Krispy Kreme Chief Doughnut Dreamer could be theirs.
Krispy Kreme appreciates its ardent fans. Beyond the promise of fresh, hot doughnuts when that red light is lit, the company continues to push the flavor envelope. From the return of Fan Fav doughnuts through June 18 or special promotions, like the recent Dough-ploma, those gestures build a loyal following. Whether it is driving that extra mile to the store or sharing that sweet treat with friends, those loyalists understand that not all doughnuts are made the same.
Now through June 18, Krispy Kreme is accepting applications for its Chief Doughnut Dreamer position. While the role might not come with a biggest corner officer, it does have some great food perks. Specifically, the role will help develop a new Fan Favorite Doughnut.
As Dave Skena, Global Chief Brand Officer for Krispy Kreme said, “Our fans know Krispy Kreme loves making new, delicious doughnut creations, often through unexpected brand collaborations, but this might be our greatest collab yet. Our fans are constantly sharing ideas for new flavors, so we’re expanding our ‘C-Sweet’ by naming one of them our Chief Doughnut Dreamer! We hope they’ll come create Krispy Kreme’s next Fan Fav with unprecedented access to our Innovation Kitchen to make their doughnut dreams real.”

To apply for the Chief Doughnut Dreamer role, fans can apply via social media. Simply share a video via Instagram or Twitter that showcases why you are perfect for the role. Any submissions should include #ChiefDoughnutDreamer and #Contest. All rules can be found on the brand’s website.
Although Krispy Kreme did not offer any suggestions on how to make a video stand out, people should think about what makes those doughnuts great. Whether it is the glaze fountain that is sweeter than any picturesque waterfall or the warm glow of that Red Hot light, a little creative prose could earn some praise.
Also, the Krispy Kreme Chief Doughnut Dreamer will have a hand in the new doughnut flavor. Maybe a glimpse into that concept could put that “virtual resume” on the top of the pile. Although creativity is key, it might be best to stay on brand. After all, no one wants a doughnut that is extremely spicy or has non-traditional protein toppings.
The applications for the Chief Doughnut Dreamer are open till June 18. In addition to helping with a new doughnut flavor, the role comes with a year’s supply of doughnuts.