As some people appreciate, there is a time and a place for certain food and beverage options. Sometimes a light lager is the refreshing drink while sitting by the lake. But, that classic beer might not be appropriate when trying to create a romantic ambiance for that special someone. With the Fireball Dragnum, the classic whisky is getting a sophisticated makeover.
Sometimes eating and drinking enjoyment is even more satisfying when it is presented in a creative way. Who hasn’t sipped on a simple gin and tonic, but it tasted even better when there was an edible orchid in the glass?
Ahead of the holiday season, the Fireball Dragnum is the sophisticated pour for Fireball Whisky fans. Although this bottle might be a little cumbersome for the Birdie Shot, it might be the way that Judge Smails would pour his drink.

Presented in a champagne-inspired bottle, the Fireball offering might pour a little differently, but it is the classic flavor that people expect and want. Even if there is a fancy logo or elevated glass, people will still be toasting to that cinnamon forward liquor.
Thinking about this concept, it is a great reminder that special occasions do not only have to happen on birthdays ending in 0s, marriages, or even promotions. A Wednesday can be a reason to break out the crystal glasses and toasting that there is no laundry to fold. Isn’t it better to break open that bottle with friends than wait 10 years to only find out that it tastes like vinegar?
The Fireball Dragnum is priced at $24.99 and it 1.75L. It will start arriving in stores starting in mid-August.