Infusing a little color into that coffee routine is always a good thing. With Coffee mate Mean Girls Pink Frosting Flavored Creamer, the bold color and sweet flavor will have people revisiting what it means to be “fetch.”
While fans of the favorite movie appreciate that October 3 is Mean Girls Day, Coffee mate is using the calendar moment to announce its newest limited edition flavor. While there may or may not be a coffee date with that special someone penciled into the schedule, the flavor boost might help with that upcoming math problem.
According to Coffee mate, the newest creamer flavor tastes like “a cake filled with rainbow and smiles.” Although that description might be a little lofty for the early morning, the sweet notes will definitely perk up anyone’s day. Whether or not people coordinate a special outfit to pair with this pink frosting inspired beverage remains to be seen.

It is not the first time that Mean Girls has been brought to the food aisle. Other brands have found ways to bring the colorful pop culture moment to the conversation. Given how many people are captivated by that story and their infamous phrases it seems likely that this food trend will continue.
For Coffee mate, the idea of bringing this type of creamer to the shelf sets up more possibilities of pop culture cross over. While there have been many holiday offerings, the opportunity to connect with consumers grows. Just think how people will leverage this idea for a girls gathering or even that weekly Wednesday wardrobe choice.
Even though many people would run to the store to purchase a bottle immediately, the Coffee mate Mean Girls creamer will not be available until January 2024. It coincides with the 20th anniversary of the film. The suggested retail price will be $4.69 for a 32 oz bottle. Check back for store availability.