Oscar Mayer gifts a side of bacon this holiday season

Oscar Mayer bacon gift holiday promotion, photo provided by Oscar Mayer
Oscar Mayer bacon gift holiday promotion, photo provided by Oscar Mayer /

The timeless phrase – everything is better with bacon – might roll off the tongue but it is more than just a series of words for some people. Oscar Mayer is taking that love of bacon to another level this holiday season.

Holiday gifts can be a precarious topic. Putting aside the dreaded scenario of showing up empty handed, the reality is that picking a gift is never easy. Even when a person makes a wish list, getting an ecstatic response after the paper is torn to shreds is never easy.

Still, there are some items that generally get a positive response. In the food world, many people love bacon. Whether it is the aroma that stirs them from a deep slumber or the topping that makes a bland dish better, there are plenty of reasons to put that unctuous slice of goodness on the plate.

This year, Oscar Mayer wants to make holiday gifts a little better with a side of bacon. It might not be the expected pairing, but it is the thought that counts.

According to Kelsey Rice, Associate Director, Oscar Mayer, “We believe – and know bacon lovers everywhere agree – that bacon makes everything better. However, not everything comes with bacon. As a brand with a history of sparking smiles in unexpected ways, like our beloved 27-foot hot dog on wheels, we challenged ourselves to make this possible… showing to the masses Oscar Mayer bacon truly makes everything better!”

Partnering with Ryan Reynolds-owned Mint Mobile, the Side of Bacon campaign brings that sizzle to holiday shopping. Customers should look for a special QR code where they get a little bonus with that purchase. For example, Mint Mobile has a special holiday promotion that comes with a side of bacon.

Although this holiday campaign is a little outside of the box, it is a moment of laughter that people can appreciate. People might not actually put bacon under the tree, but it can make people be a little more thoughtful with that holiday purchase. No one really needs another pair of socks, phone charger, or singing fish to hang on their wall. No matter what the box holds, it should make the person smile when they unwrap it. Goodwill to all men means avoiding a trip to Goodwill to donate the unwanted presents in the new year.