Is your kitchen in need of a resolution paralysis rescue?

Stasher reusable bags and kitchen organization ideas
Stasher reusable bags and kitchen organization ideas | Stasher

At the beginning of January, the enthusiasm to tackle that New Years Resolution is high. Good intentions, plans, and resolve join forces and make people believe that they will tackle any goal. As Quitters Day looms, determination lessens. For people who need a resolution paralysis rescue, Stashers has the monetary boost to make that kitchen makeover a reality.

Whether it is an exercise plan, a desire to read more books, or an attempt to better organize the house, incentives can help people meet those goals. It does not mean that there is a lack of willpower. Instead, the bonus, assistance, or just simple reward makes those changes more enticing.

Kitchen organization is often a difficult concept to manage. While some people swear by color coded systems and others choose to streamline simplicity, the reality is that people need a plan that is easy and works. If the organization becomes a burden, people will turn to something that is easier.

When it comes to storage options, many people turn to that disposable plastic bag. It is easy, convenient. Unfortunately, single-use plastic becomes an issue. Stasher wants to help people keep their resolve by paying them to move away from those single use bags for a reusable one.

According to Hilary McGuigan, Vice President of Marketing at Stasher, "Life’s busy, and we know that single-use plastic is often the easiest option. In fact, more than half of parents (65%) are still using single-use plastic either daily or several times a week.  That’s why we’ve created a guide to help parents easily swap out plastic in the kitchen with reusable alternatives. Think of us as your virtual kitchen makeover crew this month while you use our handy guide which is designed to help families reduce waste without adding clutter or unnecessary stress. It’s simple, actionable, and effective.”

To help anyone help make the switch away from single-use plastic, Stasher will reimburse 20 parents $1,500 in February, covering both the time and costs of their kitchen updates. That influx of money should help encourage people to make those changes.

While that money is significant, any change does make a difference. Even the person who swaps snack bags in the kids’ lunches for reusable bags can make a difference. Similar to other resolutions, small changes are often the most sustainable ones.

More information on Stasher and its Stasher’s "Resolution Relief" campaign can be found on the brand’s website.