Miller Lite gives the last place Fantasy Football player a place of honor at the table

Miller Lite Fantasy Football Place-ments
Miller Lite Fantasy Football Place-ments | Miller Lite

While some people might be dreaming of play-off berths and cheering another winning season, others are hoping that the off-season brings rebuilding and future success. Instead of punishing that person who had more “Ls” than “Ws,” it is time to give them the recognition they deserve at the table. Here’s to the Miller Lite Last Place-ments.

Even though football fans are deeply invested in their own teams wins and loses, the Fantasy Football games have taken those “super teams” to the next level. When the focus is the player, not the team, the conversation changes. The real scenario might be complete fiction, but the outcome is real.

Since there is always a winner and a loser in a game, that Fantasy Football League always has someone who must be last. It is the nature of sport. Unlike the peewee game, everyone does not get a ribbon.

This year, the Miller Lite Last Place-ments make it abundantly clear who is the biggest loser at the table. It is more than just a silly stunt that will pass. This special recognition can come back next season to ensure everyone knows who could not even muster a winning play with an epic quarterback at the helm.

As Alan Bremerkamp, Director of Marketing for Miller Lite explained, “From spending 24 hours in a diner, to retaking standardized tests, classic last place Fantasy Football punishments gives longtime friends the chance to come together. While this punishment isn’t really much of a punishment, Miller Lite is excited to give old friends a new tongue-in-cheek way to celebrate Fantasy Football and the worst bracket of their league.”

Here’s how to possible get that loser a place of honor in a Miller Lite ad. Simply nominate that biggest loser at All the rules are available online.

While everyone is waiting to see if that place of honor will be won, why not take the idea and make your own Place-ments for the league’s most dismal season. Kick off the new season’s ad with a face of the loser and say, with game like this guy, your odds are winning are much improved.