2024 Goose Island Bourbon County release connects tradition and innovation

2024 Goose Island Bourbon County release revealed
2024 Goose Island Bourbon County release revealed / Goose Islando

While the radlers, shandys, and hazy IPAs might be the summer sippers, the 2024 Goose Island Bourbon County line-up was just revealed. The five offerings that will hit shelves later this year add a new chapter to the beer brand’s storied history. Building on its strong foundation, the flavor innovation in the latest class proves that these brew masters are always willing to push the flavor envelope.

Since the early 1990s, Goose Island has celebrated the craft of making a Bourbon County Stout. Long before breweries scoured the country for the well-seasoned liquor barrels, the Chicago-based beer brand understood the complexity and nuance that this type of beer ageing would offer.

The 2024 Goose Island Bourbon County release includes:

2024 Bourbon County Brand Original Stout

2024 Bourbon County Brand Vanilla Rye Stout

2024 Bourbon County Brand Macaroon Stout

2024 Bourbon County Brand Proprietor’s Barleywine

2024 Bourbon County Brand Bardstown Cask Finish Stout

Speaking about this year’s offerings, Todd Ahsmann, President, Goose Island Beer Co said “This year’s lineup does an amazing job of living up to our legacy while still pushing boundaries and setting the standard. There’s something exciting for every type of drinker; each beer in this year’s release explores different ways our brewers highlight and amplify the expressions found in our Original Stout.”

This year’s release is both a homage to the tradition of the line, but it also pushes the boundaries of the process and its impact on flavor. From the use of Barleywine to the infusion of global flavors like tamarind and guajillo peppers, the 2024 lineup will have beer drinkers exploring the complexities that an aged stout can develop.

Although beer drinkers will have to wait a little longer to enjoy that first pour of the 2024 lineup, the Proprietor’s Barleywine might be the most sought-after offering. Given that the Proprietor's release is always a celebration of the beer brand’s Chicago heritage, the nod to the Mexican influence in the Windy City is unique. Many travelers appreciate the city’s robust Mexican food culture. To see how those classic Mexican candy flavors can influence this beer is exciting.

A close second will be the Macaroon Stout. While there will be a sweetness from the Cocoa Nibs and Coconut, it will be the Ginger Spice that awakens the palate. For anyone who prefers to sip their dessert, this beer will be the must have beverage to serve after a holiday meal.

The 2024 Goose Island Bourbon County release will be available on Black Friday. More information will be forthcoming over the next several months.