Embrace a fresh intentions challenge with flavorful salad twists

Fresh Express Twisted Caesar- Avocado Farro salad
Fresh Express Twisted Caesar- Avocado Farro salad | Fresh Express

While a bowl full of leafy greens might do a body good, a little variety can keep the boredom at bay. Flavorful salad twists are easier than it seems. Ready to take that fresh intentions challenge to the next level?  

For many people, grabbing that salad bag is an automatic purchase at the grocery store. The convenience comes with the concept that people are more likely to open, pour, and eat that serving of vegetables. While that concept has merit, sometimes it lacks excitement. The bright green colors might be vibrant, but another dollop of dressing is not as enticing as the multitude of flavors that another dish offers.  

To help everyone embrace some flavorful salad twists, Fresh Express is offering a fresh intentions challenge. From January 8 through February 6, the food brand is supporting wellness intentions. No matter the size of the change, everyone can find some inspiration to keep those healthy eating concepts on track.  

What are some easy flavorful salad twists that keep food boredom away?  

While Fresh Express has more than 100 fresh salads and salad kits, the four new flavors that hit store shelves last year invite some flavorful salad twists. They turn salads from a side dish into a hearty meal with a few extra ingredients.  

For example, the Avocado Farro Mexican Salad starts with the Fresh Express Twisted Caesar Enchilada Caesar Chopped Kit. The farro and chickpeas add a hearty note to the greens. While the recipe uses just drained chickpeas, consider adding crispy chickpeas for an additional crunchy texture. It helps to break up all the other softer components and adds more eating satisfaction.  

While that option is a vegetable forward choice, the Chicken Paillard with French Bistro Salad is a great option that is also a money saving choice. Many people might grab that pre-made chicken Caesar salad, this recipe has a bolder, layered flavor. From the slightly tangy Worcestershire and mustard on the chicken to the garlic brioche croutons from the salad kit, it is an enjoyable meal.  

More importantly, the concept shows how to play with ingredients and flavors to make them work with the salad. That chicken recipe can be used in other ways. A white flakey fish with the French Bistro Salad would be equally as enjoyable. Learning how to pair flavors might be one of the biggest lessons that the fresh intentions challenge teaches.  

For more recipe and healthy eating inspiration, check out Fresh Express’ social media accounts for more ideas. 30 days of great food never looked as easy.