Yes way rose, pink tequila is the newest rose cocktail

Move over rose wine. Pink tequila, Código 1530 Rosa, is the hot spirit for the fall. Salud a la rosa with this millennial rose cocktail.

Rose wine has become part of drinking culture. From millennials to even Anthony Bourdain, everyone has been drinking rose. But, wine isn’t the only pink color spirit on the market. Código 1530 Rosa is the ultimate pink tequila. It is time to try the newest rose cocktail.

Codigo 1530 Rosa is the newest tequila offered by Codigo 1530. Building on its Los Bajos traditions, this tequila is considered an artisan craft. Its name and cross emblem refers to the artisan families who took the time and care to perfect this brand of tequila.

Codigo 1530 Rosa, photo provided by Samantha Slaven PR, Chalkboard Magazine

Using the Codigo 1530 blanco tequila, the new Codigo 1530 Rosa is rested in uncharred Napa Cabernet French White Oak barrels. These barrels add the pink color to the blanco tequila. Additionally, these barrels add floral notes and tastes to the blanco tequila.

The Codigo 1530 Rosa has definite wine influence. From the cabernet barrels, the rosa is floral forward. While blanco tequila has an underlying earthy tone, the flavors from the wine barrel balance those flavors. The agave flavor isn’t hidden, rather it is highlighted in a new way.

This new type of tequila appeals to the wine drinker because of the floral flavors from the wine barrels. While not a traditional rose flavor from pinot noir, the cabernet barrels add a new quality to the traditional tequila. By exploring a new aging method, Codigo 1530 expands drinkers’ ideas about tequila.

While the Codigo 1530 Rosa is delightful on its own, this pink tequila is best when mixed into a rose cocktail. Codigo 1530 Rosa has created several cocktails that highlight the floral character of the tequila with fresh ingredients.

A favorite cocktail featuring this pink tequila is Codigo 1530’s No Way, Rose! Here’s the recipe.

"No Way, Rose!1.5 oz Codigo 1530 Rosa Tequila.5 oz Lemon Juice.5 oz Simple Syrup.5 oz RoséFill a cocktail shaker with ice. Pour in the tequila, lemon juice and simple syrup. Shake for 30 seconds. Top with a splash of Rose wine."

Next: Pumpkin Spice Latte Cocktail

If you love your millennial rose cocktails, pink tequila is a must try. Color your cocktail pink with Codigo 1530 Rosa.