MTN DEW makes the ultimate sacrifice for Game of Thrones

Could you make the ultimate sacrifice for Game of Thrones? MTN DEW is willing to shed its identity in this chilling tribute.

What is the ultimate sacrifice for Game of Thrones? With the lure of the Iron Throne beckoning, are people willing to give up everything, including their identity? Is the attraction of ultimate power so strong? For MTN DEW, their sacrifice is chilling, very chilling.

In partnership with the Game of Thrones franchise, MTN DEW is launching a limited-run, A Can Has No Name. Inspired by Ayra Stark and the Faceless Men of Braavos, the iconic neon green can (aka face) has disappeared, literally.

For this special promotion, the MTN DEW can has gone stark white. At first fans glance, the plain white can reveals nothing. It is the perfectly generic, no name beverage. But, is that starkness really just a charade?

A Can Has No Name, MTN DEW and Game of Thrones collaboration, photo provided by MTN DEW

Through the use of thermodynamic ink, the can reveals its true identity. When chilled, a list of names appears, as does the Games of Thrones logo and the MTN DEW logo. The list is Arya’s iconic kill list. From those who have taken their last breath to those who are still a target, this special collaborative can will quickly become a collectors’ item.

Choosing this particular direction for the can collaboration is interesting. MTN DEW specifically looked at the brand’s and fans’ willingness to sacrifice. According to Erin Chen, Head of Communications & Consumer Engagement – Mountain Dew at PepsiCo,

"“When we started to think about what we would sacrifice #ForTheThrone, we realized the ultimate sacrifice would be our name and branding. To win it all one must sacrifice it all. A can must become no one. So we went all in and introduced A Can Has No Name. We love the storyline of Arya Stark and the Faceless Men, and how Arya becomes ‘no one,’ but ultimately comes back to her kill list. We’re excited to bring this to life through our special edition can.”"

Looking at the can itself, the premise is interesting for both brands. Many companies have been or will be offering Game of Thrones branded items. By erasing itself from the promotion, MTN DEW believes that GOT fans are just as ardent as MTN DEW fans. By putting that loyalty to the test, will fans make the ultimate sacrifice?

The lure of the final season of Game of Thrones is quite strong. For a company, like MTN DEW to take this promotional direction shows a lot about its connection to cultural topics. While the brand has tackled sports collaborations and is seen as a leader in the booming gaming field (the AMP GAME FUEL line in particular), this particular campaign shows that cross over connections are key to staying relevant. No one, no brand, wants to be left out. Could that be the ultimate sacrifice in today’s pop culture driven society?

MTN DEW fans are extremely loyal. Think back to the campaign to bring back Baja Blast. MTN DEW loyalists lobbied to have the flavor return. For a company to erase itself for another brand shows the fanaticism behind GOT and the final season.

Since MTN DEW is willing to sacrifice its neon green identity for the throne, fans will also have to sacrifice for a chance at this can. While everyone would love to be able to go to the grocery store and pick up a six pack, that idea isn’t worthy of the Game of Thrones finale.

If you want to earn one of these precious cans, take to social media to tell MTN DEW what you would sacrifice. Using #ACanHasNoName #ForTheThrone and #MTNDEWsweepstakes are required for entry. For many people, the sacrifice might be great. For others, they might just want to open up a cold can of MTN DEW and watch the GOT season premiere. In either case, this promotion has people talking.

A Can Has No Name, Game of Thrones Vending Machine Rendering, photo provided by MTN DEW

For fans in New York City and Los Angeles, the possibility of earning one of these coveted cans is more likely. The “Masters of Coin” will reveal secret vending locations to people who know the ancient password. While additional details on finding the vending “thrones” haven’t been revealed, this scavenger hunt type option offer a potentially greater reward.

What do you think of A Can Has No Name MTN DEW promotion? What ultimate sacrifice for Game of Thrones would you make?