Dyed Easter eggs tips: A picture perfect Easter basket made easy

Dyed Easter Eggs are a Spring holiday tradition. Do you know these tips, tricks and hacks to make the process easy, fun and picture perfect?

Have you dyed Easter Eggs? The time honored tradition of dying Easter Eggs is a popular activity with many people. From the youngest kids mesmerized by the changing colors to the intricate designs for older adults, there is an option for everyone.

While the Easter bunny doesn’t lay eggs, the egg has become an Easter symbol. In various cultures, the egg was a symbol of Spring’s arrival. As the egg became part of the celebration on the table, the decorative element evolved, as well.

Today, dying Easter eggs is part of many families’ holiday tradition. While there are dyeing kits available, many people want a more picture perfect version of that glorious egg.

This year, the Incredible Egg looked at egg decorating trends. Two decorating ideas topped their list, color blocked eggs and tie dyed eggs. Both options make for a dramatic edition to any Easter basket or Easter table.

Color block Easter eggs from Incredible Egg

For color blocked eggs, the idea is to dip only half of the egg into the dye. Holding the egg in the solution will create a deeper hue. To really enhance the color blocking technique, choose colors that contrast. The sharp lines and differences will have a dramatic appeal.

Another egg dyeing trend is tie dye eggs. Whether people are feeling a little nostalgic or just appreciate the fool-proof method, tie dyed eggs are very colorful. Just like the fabric idea, these bold decorations will definitely capture people’s attention.

Tie Dyed eggs from Incredible Egg

While incorporating trends are important, the egg dyeing process needs to be easy. No one wants to go to Easter brunch with multi-colored hands or ruin grandma’s table with dye. Luckily a few hacks are perfect for even the most novice DIY person.

Reddi-Wip dyed Easter eggs, photo provided by Reddi Wip

Probably the most fun way to dye eggs is with Reddi-Wip. While some people have seen the shaving cream hack, this version is a little easier for the kids. Basically, Reddi-Wip and dye can create some super colorful eggs. Plus, if someone mistakenly licks their fingers, it won’t cause mom to screen in fright.

Still, there are people who want to avoid messes at all costs. The slow cooker hack is totally genius. Yes, you can dye Easter eggs in a slow cooker.

With the help of Reynolds Kitchens Slow Cooker Liner, you can put white eggs in and remove colorful eggs in a couple of hours. Simply use the liner (and a little aluminum foil in the bottom) to create a little pouch filled with the dye. Let the eggs simmer for a couple of hours and you are done. Granted the kids might miss the mess, but parents will love the clean-up.

Reynolds Kitchens Slow Cooker Liner Easter Egg hack, photo provided by Reynolds

While these tips, tricks and hacks are all quite entertaining, there is another alternative, too. For people who prefer a natural option to dyed eggs, use real ingredients. From blueberries to turmeric to beets, all types of foods can be reduced to create a concentrated color. Boil your eggs in that concentrated liquid for a natural dye alternative.

As Easter approaches, are you ready for all those dyed Easter eggs?

With these tips, tricks and hacks, the Easter bunny will definitely approve of your Easter Basket. Maybe he might leave you an extra Reese’s egg as a treat.