First PEEPS in space, launching PEEPSONALITY out of this world

Have you see the pictures of the first PEEPS in space? This out of this world creation is the perfect way to celebrate International Delight PEEPS Flavored Creamer.

Forget baskets, PEEPS in space is a sight to behold. To celebrate the highly anticipated International Delight PEEPS Flavored Creamer, this specially created diorama definitely has major PEEPSONALITY. Can you find all the PEEP-tastistic details?

As part of the annual Carrol County Arts Council PEEPshow in Westminster, Maryland, this competition is considered one of the most competitive events. This candy is definitely an iconic part of the food world. Whether you’ve eaten one or hundreds, most people are familiar with that sugar coated, marshmallow candy.

Earlier this year, International Delight announced this new PEEP-inspired flavor. With a marshmallow-forward flavor and a bright yellow color, people were stalking store shelves in search of the seasonal creamer. Just like spring time, this newest creamer flavor was looking to become a springtime tradition.

Creating this special diorama is a fun way to get people excited about the new coffee creamer. More importantly, the theme is quite interesting. Showing all this candy in space celebrates the imagination that both space and food creativity can inspired.

PEEPS in Space display by International Delight, photo provided by International Delight

The display is massive. It is 4×4 foot, weighs 150 pounds and hold more than 1,000 individual PEEPS. Of course, there are a few hidden items and a nod to the special International Delights creamer. Just like space itself, this display is colossal.

While the display is impressive, a question should be pondered, could this sugar coated, marshmallow delight really go into space? Would astronauts want this treat aboard the Space Station?

Having talked to NASA food scientists previously, astronauts often want spicy foods. Maybe if that sugar coating had some peppery heat mixed into it, this idea could become the next space food. Don’t astronauts deserve a little springtime marshmallow treat?

Since PEEPS and International Delights PEEPS Flavored Coffee Creamer are still on Earth, everyone can head to their favorite retail stores to find these springtime treats. Have you had some yet?