Ready to do your patriotic DEW? The new MTN Dew Liberty Brew will be your must have summer beverage that will fuel all your fun.
MTN Dew fans are passionate about their favorite beverage, embrace who they are and embody a willingness to experience life. The new MTN Dew Liberty Brew and the DEWnited States Collection are the perfect way to celebrate that DEW pride this summer.
Just in time for all those summer plans, the new MTN Dew Liberty Brew could become the must have beverage to fuel your summer fun. While the signature DEW flavors are woven into the beverage, big berry and cherry flavors are totally enticing.
The color of this Liberty Brew is bright blue. While there are 50 flavors in one bottle, the color doesn’t necessarily reveal the flavor combinations. Still, the berry flavors come through.
With patriotic symbols on the label, this beverage could be perfect for your July 4th gatherings. Could this new MTN Dew flavor help you soar and embrace everything that summer has to offer?
MTN Dew Liberty Brew, photo provided by MTN DEW
According to MTN Dew, this special flavor combines 50 different signature flavors. While it could be difficult distinguish all the different flavors, fans will happily try. Each sip reveals more and entices you to go back for another gulp.
Since summer often involves an epic summer road trip, MTN Dew has created some collective DEWnited States bottles series. This 50 bottle collection celebrates the 50 states with artwork that represents that state.
From sea to shining sea, these collectible bottles showcase landmarks like the Brooklyn Bridge to Georgia’s signature peach, each bottle captures the spirit of the state.
While each DEW fan is unique and does things her way, the passion that drives her is inspiring. Erin Chin, senior director, marketing MTN Dew said, “DEWnited States is about recognizing those differences and celebrating the pride DEW Nation has for their home states, all while championing the unifying messaging of doing no matter where they live.”
With each new offering, MTN Dew is finding a way to innovative yet never lose their brand identity. Since fans love their Dew, they are willing to try these limited edition flavors.
It doesn’t mean that they will forget their favorite flavors, but they are willing to trust their favorite brand to experiment a little. Could this new Liberty Brew become the next Baja Blast?
Are you ready to show your DEW pride? Will your summer involve some MTN DEW Liberty Brew?