Reese’s Take5 stakes its claim as the tastiest candy bar

Are you a fan of the tastiest candy bar around? Reese’s Take5 might have a new name and look, but that classic flavor that everyone loves is still the same.

Sometimes a classic needs a new look. The tastiest candy bar is getting an upgrade. Reese’s Take5 might have a new name and package, but the flavors are everything that you have grown to love. Are you ready to take a bite?

Did you know that Take5 has always been made with Reese’s peanut butter? Maybe that ingredient has been part of the reason why so many people loved this candy bar. There is something craveable about Reese’s peanut butter.

According to Jack Wilder, Reese’s senior brand manager, “it’s time the world learns why they’ve always loved Take5 bars so much.”

In a taste test, Reese’s put the old packaging up against the new Reese’s branded packaging. Fans determined that they preferred the candy bar labeled with Reese’s. The funny thing is that both candy bars were exactly the same.

Yes, people can be swayed by a name, label or brand. In this case, the outcome was clear. Even though both candy bars were exactly the same, people choose the Reese’s branded label. So, why shouldn’t the brand advertise that Reese’s is the peanut butter ingredient in that classic Take5 candy bar?

Reese’s Take5 bars, 5 layers of deliciousness, photo provided by Reese’s

Additionally, this candy bar has everything that makes a bite perfectly satisfying. The combination of chocolate, caramel, peanuts, Reese’s peanut butter and pretzels is absolute perfection.

Just like a perfectly composed dish, a perfect bite has the right balance of textures and flavors. The crunch from the pretzel and peanuts to the richness of the chocolate and caramel people can’t help but enjoy the eating experience.

In a way, each bite offers another little surprise. Some bites have a hint of salt and others are sweeter. The nod to the unexpected keeps having you go back bite after bite. Even on that final bite, you wish that there was just one more bite.

The Reese’s Take5 bars will hit store shelves in mid-summer. If you are craving that tastiest candy bar, it is ok to dive into one of the original packages. The candy bar hasn’t changed, just the wrapper.

Do you agrees that Reese’s Take5 is the tastiest candy bar? What’s your favorite candy bar?