Nina Kharoufeh, Worst Cooks in America contestant, reflects on the experience

Did you watch the new season of Worst Cooks in America? Nina Kharoufeh found the Food Network show to be a very positive learning experience.

Worst Cooks in America is hugely popular Food Network Show. While Nina Kharoufeh was one of the first cooks eliminated in Season 17, her short time on the show proved to be quite valuable.

Food fans always enjoy Worst Cooks in America. The Food Network show is part entertainment and part learning. While many home cooks would not admit to these cooking disasters, the group of recruits are willing to put their inability on display.

Season 17 has a very diverse cast of recruits that are wanting to turn their kitchen disasters into culinary dreams. While the first episode asked the recruits to create the perfect date night meal, some of those dishes were may not have gotten them a second date.

Unfortunately on the first episode, Nina Kharoufeh and her dish did not earn her a second chance at culinary greatness or a second date. Still, this experience was a positive one for the aspiring cook.

Recently, Kharoufeh chatted with FoodSided about her experience. Here’s what she had to share.

Cristine Struble: In your bio, it states that “her mother is even convinced her lack of culinary skill is why she is still single.” Do you think that food is the way to a person’s heart?

Nina Kharoufeh: I think food is most definitely a big part of someone’s heart. Although there are many aspects when it comes to “love” I think bonding over a meal is great. Something about a great home cooked meal can lead to someone’s heart.

CS: Why is food so important to your family and culture?

NK: Food is important because we are Palestinian and Arabs LOVE food. It is a huge part of our culture and we have many dishes that are a staple to Palestinians. Not knowing how to make any of them is not the best trait to have as an Arab lol.

CS: Do you think that a good sense of humor in the kitchen can help when a cooking disaster happens?

NK: I think having a great sense of humor is essential in life period. But also in the kitchen as well. Sometimes things don’t always go as planned in the kitchen and you just have to laugh it off. What’s the worst that can happen? There is always take out as a last resort.

CS: What is the one dish that you want to learn how to cook well?

NK: The one dish I want to master one day is called “Maklooba.” It is a traditional Palestinian dish that EVERY one loves. It is one of my favorite foods and I would feel very accomplished if one day I mastered how to make it myself.

CS: What would you tell someone who is wanting to be on Worst Cooks in America?

NK: I would tell them to 100% do it! Although I got eliminated first, I had the most amazing time. Even the times when the cameras were not rolling, my teammates and I laughed, bonded, and are friends even until today. We are hopefully planning one big reunion next summer! It was a great experience and If you truly cannot cook – go for the audition!

Even though Khoroufeh’s time on Worst Cooks in America was short, it seems that she appreciated the experience.

Don’t forget to watch Season 17 of Worst Cooks in America on Food Network every Sunday at 9 p.m. It could be your opportunity to improve your cooking skills.

What do you think of this season of Worst Cooks in America? Which team do you think will be victorious?