A cup of coffee can be more than just a caffeine fix. With McCafe It Forward, everyone is encouraged to share little more kindness.
Can one simple act of kindness make a difference? McDonald’s McCafe It Forward believes that one small act of generosity can lead to another. Why not start your day with a little positivity?
Have you ever gone through the drive through line and paid for the coffee for the person behind you? Maybe that situation happened to you. While that small gesture might not have been a huge monetary gift, that act of kindness might have inspired you to pay it forward.
Personally, when this situation happened to me in the drive through lane, I have offered to pay for the coffee for the person behind me. There are many stories how one person started a chain of generosity. In many ways, a chain of good deeds just needs one spark.
McDonald’s McCafe It Forward is doing just that idea. 500 people will start the free coffee chain. One person orders her free small hot or iced coffee than passes the free coffee card forward. For three days, McDonald’s wants to see how much happiness a simple cup of coffee can bring.
In today’s world, everyone can use a little more happiness, kindness and goodness. Even if you never see one of these cards, everyone can follow along at BeABrewGooder.com. Maybe all these small acts of kindness can inspire something even bigger.
Can a cup of coffee change the world? Not necessarily, the point is bigger. For McDonald’s to create an initiative that focuses on something positive, something that brings people together and something that is bigger than just coffee is important. It is refreshing for a company to focus on the greater good.
And, why should the McCafe It Forward stop at just three days. Sure, these program and the special cards are for a limited time, but maybe this idea can lead to something more.
Next time you’re at McDonald’s before the kids’ morning soccer game, why not bring a coffee for the new family that just joined or the coach. What about bringing a few snacks to the teachers at school? Maybe you have coffee with that older neighbor who just seems lonely.
Again, the simple gesture can be a huge catalyst. Just think of the possibilities.
How would you McCafe It Forward? What random act of kindness have you done?