What scares you this Halloween season? Natural Light thinks that some of the scariest nightmares might be based in real-world scares that no one can avoid.
Do you have your Halloween costume ready? Natural Light wants to encourage everyone to get dressed up this Halloween season. With a little creativity, that Halloween costumer could be a real winner.
Recently, Natty Light has shown beer drinkers that life needs to have a lot of creativity and a little humor. From the “Natty-Qualified” summer internship to summer escapes, this beer brand understand that life isn’t always super serious. For this Halloween season, it is time to ditch the tired old costume for something a little more scary than those classic Halloween monsters.
This year, Natty Light wants to see what truly scares you. Maybe it is the idea that you’ll have more hair on your back than on your head. Or, the idea that someone will banish you to a lifetime of TPS reports. Why not make those real life scary moments become your Halloween costume?
For truly brave or the uber creative, Natural Light might reward those costumes with some real life cash. If those fears can be diminished, why not banish them. Simply snap a picture of that creative Halloween costume and tag #NattyScaries and #contest for a chance to win some cash.
We’ve got you covered this Halloween https://t.co/7ZNZNzgyFl pic.twitter.com/9e5FGJwJ6q
— Natural Light (@naturallight) October 9, 2019
Now, this contest is in good fun. If I were to submit a costume, mine would probably be the fear of bland, boring food for the rest of my life. How horrible would it be if everything tasted like plain, white bread? A life without spice would be unbearable.
In a way, this contest is a fun way to see how Natty Light fans are a unique bunch. Sometimes breaking out on your own path is important. Whether it is Naturadays from the summer or a beer with friends, knowing who you are and what you like is the best part of life.
Take a moment and look at those Halloween costumes with the #NattyScaries and remember life may not be as horrible as it seems. Crack open a can of Natural Light and enjoy the moment.
What would be your real life scary Halloween costume?