Jelly Belly celebrates the season with all the holiday flavors

Have you ever craved holiday flavors, but just a bite? Jelly Belly celebrates the holiday season with all the holiday flavors that you crave.

Jelly Belly always has creative, tasty ways to make any day a celebration. As the holiday season goes into full force, the iconic jelly bean company has a fun, innovative twist on those holiday flavors. Are you ready to take a taste?

During the holidays, everyone feels a little more inclined to indulge in some of their favorite treats. From pumpkin pie to eggnog, there classic holiday flavors that tempt everyone from every corner. Even the person with the most willpower can cave, even a little.

Still, there can be times when you just want a particular flavor. As you sit and wish for a pumpkin pie to magically appear in the oven, there is another option. Luckily Jelly Belly has you covered.

Jelly Belly’s Holiday Favorites collection features all the holiday flavors that people crave. eggnog, candy cane, pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce and hot chocolate. In just a single jelly bean, those iconic flavors come through.

Thinking about this Holiday Favorites Collection, it does even offer some fun flavor combinations. For example, hot chocolate and candy cane make peppermint mocha. Even hot chocolate and eggnog go together. The same can be said of eggnog can candy cane.

While some flavors go together, others might be a stretch. You might not want to put cranberry sauce and egg nog together. Just like the holiday dinner plate, some flavors need their own space. Still, it can be fun to play around.

In addition to the Holiday Favorites Collection, there is a NOEL Clear Gift Box, Christmas Light Set and even Jelly Belly’s Christmas Jewel Mix. These jelly beans would make perfect stocking stuffers.

A fun idea with the Christmas Light Set is to attach these little lights on a small Christmas tree. If you are throwing a holiday party, have everyone take a light as their holiday gift. With assorted flavors like berry blue, green apple, orange, red apple and lemon, it makes for colorful and festive holiday fun.

These ideas are just a few of the tasty treats that Jelly Belly offers. Their full assortment of jelly beans and candies will bring smiles to everyone this holiday season.

Are you ready for a taste of the holidays? Let Jelly Belly satisfy that craving one bite at a time.