Have SodaStream and Bill Nye discovered a bubbling surprise?

Bill Nye in SodaStream Super Bowl LIV commercial, photo provided by SodaStream
Bill Nye in SodaStream Super Bowl LIV commercial, photo provided by SodaStream

In any SodaStream beverage, the bursting bubbles add a touch of effervesce to the ordinary. Now, Bill Nye wants everyone to uncover another surprise.

Are you a SodaStream convert? Over the years, many people have learned the benefits of having a carbonated beverage at the press of a button. From reducing waste to customizing your own beverage, this device is more than just a fun kitchen gadget.

Many people have grown up with Bill Nye. From the first notes of his classic science shows, Nye has become the trusted face making science understandable.

When SodaStream unveiled a teaser for its upcoming Super Bowl LIV commercial, people started to wonder, what could be bubbling behind this partnership?

Check out this quick video.

With the title, something is bubbling, everyone is wondering what is really happening. Could a more bubbly beverage happen? Is Nye going to make some awesome science experiment (like a gigantic fountain soda)?

Although many of these guesses are promising, a big clue is seen in the video. Nye keeps referencing Mars. While it seems unlikely that SodaStream has decisively, scientifically proven that life has been found on Mars or has found a way to send astronauts to Mars, the big announcement definitely has something to do with Mars.

Over the years, companies have found fun plays on bringing their products or promotions to certain places, people or even fans. For example, look at the Bud Light Seltzer launch at the end of 2019. Do you think that there Mars located on Earth?

As more and more people get excited about space travel (just look at how Space X is constantly in the news), the connection to Mars is becoming more probable. Maybe having a method to make carbonated beverages at the touch of a button will be helpful as people pursue space travel. Nye and SodaStream could really be bubbling with a big surprise for everyone.

Until all the details are revealed, everyone will just have to guess what is bubbling on Super Bowl Sunday. Hopefully all the pressure doesn’t bubble over.