Do we really need a KFC Popcorn Chicken Bucket in 80 pieces?

(Photo by Matthew Horwood/Getty Images)
(Photo by Matthew Horwood/Getty Images)

KFC popcorn chicken bucket is now getting an 80 piece in the UK. Will you be trying this despite the huge portion size?

KFC announced they’re launching this big bucket of their popcorn chicken  but the bad news is this is in the UK only for now. To get this chicken bucket, you have to be signed into the KFC app and join the Colonel’s Club, but KFC UK has confirmed you’re also able to walk in the store to ask for it. The KFC popcorn chicken bucket is a whopping 80 pieces.

One other item I am a big fan of besides the popcorn chicken bucket are the chicken tenders and also the mashed potatoes and gravy. The one thing I’d like to argue is that do we really need this KFC popcorn chicken bucket in such a big portion? You can get a normal sized KFC popcorn chicken without the need to order it in such an unnecessary size.

This breaks the current food trend we’ve been seeing lately. We have been seeing companies such as Dunkin’, Burger King, and now even Starbucks release plant based meat which is a good option for the people who may not want that ground beef or are trying to watch what they eat.

I am not sure why KFC are launching this when other companies have options such as smaller portions and even zero sugar drinks. I was so happy whenever Taco Bell announced a zero sugar option for their Mtn Dew Baja Blast. The options are endless for people in America and the UK to choose smaller and healthier options to add onto their diet.

We have cities in the United States putting taxes on sugary drinks to “encourage” Americans to stop buying that soda or Monster. I’ve personally seen the side who have said they’re still buying soda despite a tax on it, and that it will not stop Americans from indulging in that sugary option. If not better options for us, we also have companies one upping each other on social media nowadays.

We have brands going at each other on social media, and one has to wonder if it’s just to stir up drama and/or to get people talking. Maybe KFC are launching this bucket just to do that, and many Twitter reactions have shown people positively respond and talk about this new item. A lot of the comments are pretty much showing amazement over it, and thought that KFC were just joking around with the idea.

The fact of the matter is that we don’t need huge portions of food, and a lot of fast food brands are just doing massive portions of food to get people talking online. I personally feel like fast food has offered healthier options for the people who may want to watch their weight or what they eat.

What do you think of this 80 piece KFC popcorn chicken bucket? Would you order it?