At graduation, the pomp and circumstance are part of the tradition. Thanks to Natural Light, there is finally a commencement address that students are excited to attend.
Many traditions have getting a makeover this year. Natural Light is bringing its unique approach to the college commencement address. While some of those speeches can be entertaining, other versions can be a little tired, boring and tedious. With this year’s virtual take, everyone will want to watch the special event.
On May 14, Natural Light will host a Worldwide Commencement on Facebook Live. The event will feature a variety of speakers. From Mark Cuban to Stephen A. Smith to Jane Lynch, these special guests will share their sage advice for this year’s crop of college graduates. And, even if you are not graduating college this year, you can watch too. Maybe it will make up for that boring commencement address when you graduated.
Jane Lynch, shared her thoughts and said, “Graduating college is such an important moment for people. It’s a time to take note of how far you’ve come and how hard you have worked. Now more than ever, we’ve got to show these legal drinking age graduates that, regardless of what the universe throws at us, it’s important to celebrate their journey and the bright future ahead.”
Since the list of special guests will continue to grow prior to the online event, FoodSided started to think about who we would like to speak at our graduation ceremony. While our thoughts tend to slant a little food and beverage or a little obscure, we think that there are some interesting choices.
Graduation ceremony cancelled? Sucks, but we got your back. We’re throwing a worldwide commencement ceremony for the class of 2020. Tune in to FB Live May 14th at 7pm EST. Plus, you get to drink beer during it. #NattyCommencement
— Natural Light (@naturallight) April 9, 2020
Here are a few suggestions that we would like to see as commencement address speakers.
Christie Brinkley
Did you know that Christie Brinkley was featured in Natural Light ads many years ago? While people might think of her from her Sports Illustrated days or the Vacation movie, there were some ads with her and the beer. Maybe she could speak about her longevity as a pop culture iconic.
Pat McAfee
As a Naturdays spokesperson, the former NFL punter could be a great choice for a commencement address. The current sports commentator could share some important points not only about athletes but about the state of sports.
John Oliver
We don’t know if John Oliver likes Natural Light or even drinks beer. In some ways, it doesn’t matter. Fans of his show appreciate his witty and insightful takes on a wide variety of subjects. If anyone can create a fresh take on a commencement address, it could be him. Just maybe, he could wrap the idea into one of his segments for the show. It might not be a dance number in Times Square but it would be better than a Judy Kudlow tie still life.
While this Natural Light commencement address allows this year’s group of college graduates have their traditional moment, it is more than just keeping a tradition going. The idea shows that a little ingenuity and determination can make even the most chaotic times seem a little brighter. If all the college graduates, actually everyone, remember to take stock of where they have been and focus on where they can go, the world might seem a little less daunting.
If you would like to join the Natural Light Commencement, watch on Natty’s Facebook Page on Thursday, May 14 at 7 p.m. EST.
Do you remember your commencement address speaker?