From baking to comfort food, the Quarantine 15 might be happening in your house. It could be time to get The Nudge in the right direction.
While everyone stays home, some people have found the Quarantine 15. From the Freshman 15 to the Newlywed 9, there are a variety of situations where sometimes a little weight gain can happen. It could be wanting more comfort food, being too close to an over-stocked fridge, or it could be a variety of other reasons. What if you could get The Nudge in the right direction?
The Healthy Cooking Nudge is a text messaging program that provides a 2-week cooking plan. With a little help, healthy cooking is at your fingertips. Now, it will not keep you from sneaking a pint of ice cream from the freezer, but dinner will have a healthy slant.
Created by 10 world class nutritionists, this program curates a grocery list, which is provided on the weekend. Substitute ingredients are also included. Then, every weekday, a text comes with the recipe. Users are encouraged to text back a photo of their cooking achievement.
Lindsay Surowitz, Holistic Nutritionist and program expert said, “We’re all cooking at home more than usual, and this program inspires us to make meals that are easy, healthy, and delicious – something that’s essential for our well being right now.”
Thinking about this program, the idea has multiple benefits. Eating for better health or better moods can be important during these trying times. While grabbing that frozen pizza might be easy, there are a variety of recipes that are easy and good for you. Even the person who is scared to turn on the stove can discover the joy of cooking.
Additionally, this program can help the home cook develop a recipe list. Everyone has a few favorite or go-to recipes. Within a two-week period, the home cook can create a list of recipes that can help long-term. It is always a good idea to have a few recipes in your back pocket.
To learn more or to sign-up for The Nudge, visit their website at
How are you eating well while staying at home? What are your go-to easy, favorite recipes?